Monday, April 18, 2011

Mommy Monday

I miss my kiddies. The hub has put me in quarantine for the past few days with this high fever. Brooke is staying at my moms and Lucas came home for the night only because he wakes every morning at 2...we didn't want my parents to go into shock. I am so annoyed but at the same time thankful that this happened over my vacation. I would have had to take a lot of days off! I feel bad because I talked up this week a lot ..."we're going to have so much fun together!" and now I can't even be near them! Here are a few of my faves that make me smile...

Brooke having a tea party with some of her favorites...too cute.


Lucas LOVES, LOVES making smoothies. It's probably his favorite thing to play with...go figure!

Here we are at the St. Patty's day parade in our town


  1. Very cute pictures. I hope you feel better soon! And get some sleep! Why are you writing your blog at 12:22am when you're sick???

  2. it was actually MUCH later than that! I wake from the sore throat when my motrin runs out...last night I couldn't fall back asleep.

  3. Very cute pictures! I've seen them before but I never get tired of looking at how cute our kids'm the Dad, I can say that!
    And, I think your posts are on Pacific time, not Eastern time.

  4. That's awesome that your mom can take care of Brooke while you are down and out. I hope you're all better soon!

    Ok, so WHAT is on Lucas's head at the St. Patty's day parade????!!! It looks like fireworks are shooting out of his head!!! LOL......

  5. lmao...marie that's hysterical!!! It was a hat that Terri brought.

  6. your fam is adorable!! I hope you feel better soon!


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