Monday, February 28, 2011

10 miles, A lost friend, and Lots of Laughter

So yesterday K and I went to join the Uncle Giuseppe runners group. They are group of runners that run a difficult and hilly BUT beautiful route at 7:30 each Sunday morning. They all run different paces and some run a longer route than others. I wish you all could have been in the car with us as we 'stalked' the runners being a bit nervous to join them, feeling a bit like shy kids entering a new school. I serioulsy may need a diaper when we are in situations like that. We finally got over our silly jitters and joined the group, trotting behind most of the 7 minute milers! One of the girls as she ran by shouted out the route to Kelly and I. Now if you know me, I'm not great at directions....remember this post??!!
GPS I am not
Running does not = me knowing where I am at all times. lol.

I have been stopped numerous amounts of times when running for directions. Really? Um, do they realize that I am the same person that put the wrong direction to my own home on a Garage Sale sign? I pretty much always walk up to the car laughing because these poor people have no idea....good luck to the woman who is probably in New Jersey now even though she was trying to find some D'Avanzo restuaurant in Smithtown...or was it Hauppauge? I hope you make it to the shower....or back home...whichever happens first!

So long story short, we ran and then we, okay I, got lost. At the time we were not running side-by-side and we just finished Cordwood Path in Nissequogue which is a enormously, long and hilly road. I turned and saw K and then about five minutes after running some more didn't see her. Okay I thought, let me eat a chew and run some more. I decide she must have stopped to catch her breathe at the top of the hill or took a drink break. Then after not seeing her after a long straight stretch I thought she must have taken a different route. That's fine, I'll meet up with her at this point I thought. I get to that point and no sign of her. Um...what the f&@k!

So instead of running back to Uncle Giuseppe's I run home to get my car...10 1/2 miles in here folks! Drive the route I took, then drove the one I thought she took. Then I went to Uncle Giuseppe's to find her sitting in the car all cozy lmao! What did we learn here? I'm not good at giving directions...or getting them.


  1. Its kind of hard to stalk runners with a TRI sticker on the back of your car and a passenger riding shotgun with a 4 water bottle hydration system locked and loaded around her waste ... K

    Thanks again for breaking the ice Annette!

  2. So freakin funny!!!! I LOVE U GUYS!!!!!!


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