Okay so I am very excited about this review and giveaway! Thing is, I feel that I must break the reviews up into a few parts. I know its alot of information when posting about a few products at a time and I thought it would be best to break it up. So here goes the first one!!
First check out the cool box VEGA SPORT samples came in. They just recently launched a new line and so far the products I have tried are keepers.
Vega Sport is an ALL NATURAL, PLANT BASED sport performance system, specifically developed in three stages to help you peform at your best-before, during and after training.
I love, love one of the sayings in their pamphlet that says
Athletes don't just eat food, they use it.
Brendan Brazier, a professinal Ironman triathlete, created this plant-based, whole food diet.
They explain their product so well and how all the key nutrients in their product can benefit athletes.
It came in Lemon Lime and Acai Berry.
I used the Acai berry for a long run and the Lemon Lime for a 1 1/2 hour swim class.
Suprisingly I liked the Lemon Lime flavor better. It tasted a bit like lemon water to me and it was easy to go down. The Acai berry was fine just didn't prefer it. It was a bit sweeter.
Yes, this is a very cool shaker. |
I really liked that it felt like a natural, slow and steady release of energy. I sometimes can feel a spike in energy which can leave me a bit jittery when I use other products.
With that fast jolt....I can also feel myself crash...especially with the added caffeine products.
You know if you've been reading my blog...the caffeine was a big problem for my stomach in my first marathon.
I also felt when I was taking some of the other products that it was so much of the 'artificial' stuff...with VEGA I don't think twice about trying or taking the product because it is all natural.
I will DEFINITELY be purchasing this product. I like how I felt using it.
The next product I tried was the VEGA Sport Electrolyte Hydrator. I have to say I never really used a product like this...I was always hesitant to sip Gatorade because it sometimes bothered my stomach, was too heavy and a bit too sugary for my taste. I also wasn't fond of drinking my calories. This product is ZERO calories per serving and...
helps replenish electrolytes and minerals
Enhances matabolism and alkalinity
Provides antioxidant protection
I really love that they come in these small packets so you can take them with you! |
I purposely used this product after swimming because I always feel so dehydrated and crappy after the 1 1/2 hour POW swim class. The class is intense and I always come home spent. Honestly, I sometimes even take a nap after it. I really think its because when I'm in the pool, I rarely drink, rarely refuel. Yes, I know...silly but heck...never said I was perfect.
I went to a birthday party at MY GYM with my kids an hour after I got home. I sipped this the whole time instead of water....it looked like pink lemonade and tasted yummy. Not too sweet either. I was still tired but not SPENT. You can ask this guy if you don't believe me.
This would be Scotty who deals with me
when I'm in my "swim dehydrated funk" state of mind.
I'm telling you I loved it but try it for yourself and see. So for the part you have been waiting for...what do you get to try???
Soon I will be reviewing --The Endurance Gel, Endurance Bar, Recovery Accelerator, the Protein Bar, and the Performance Protein...can't wait!
VEGA has offered you the chance to try
a tub of
Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer- it’s a top seller!
How you ask?
What you need to do is:
1. (Mandatory) Go check out VEGA SPORT and tell me what product you would most like to try.
2. (Mandatory) Follow this blog and tell me you did or if you are already.
+1 Tweet about this being sure to mention VEGA SPORT
+1 Tweet about this and mention www.runintherightdirection.blogspot.com
+1 Put this giveaway on your blog!!