On that note, it was really bothering me that I had a week of running to do (5, 8, 4, and 12) and realizing I most likely wouldn't be able to fit it in. I was trying to figure out a way to make it all work--adding extra miles onto other runs--maybe I'll squeeze one in here..or there... It wasn't working. I was sitting there Monday night with my running clothes on ready to go out for a run and trying to figure out what I was going to do. I decided that I would decide out on the road.
Running clears all the clutter for me and as soon as I started I thought....LET IT GO. I needed to make the decision to let that week go. I needed to not harp on it. I needed to be fine and move on. Once I decided to do just that, to let it go, I couldn't believe how quickly I felt better. It felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders and I was also able to realize how stupid it all seemed. I know that rest is the most important thing. I know that I have built in extra weeks of training. I know that I am prepared to kick this marathons ass
So this week I will be running
4, 6, 3 and 8
next week I will be running
3, 4, 2 and wait for it....wait for it....THE MARATHON!!!!
I'm super excited. I think I am ready. No, I know I am ready. I have everything set except the logistics of who is going to watch my children during the race...no biggy lol. We'll work that out!
Oh and I guess I couldn't stay away too long....and Dina...stop scratching I wasn't meaning you ;) ...thanks for the tough love!!!