...AND I kinda know where I am going...which is a beautiful and comforting thing. I haven't blogged in a while but time is precious and I have been committed to staying committed to my family, my training and my students. When the day is done I am finding little time
energy to commit to blogging! I do miss it and have made some plans on how I can fit it in without going nuts! So, a lot has been going on so get ready for a BBE (bulleted blog entry-yes, i made it up)...and then future and more consistent entries that may make more sense lol..
1. Scott and I have started to train for the Marine Corps Half Marathon in Fredericksburg, VA. It's really fun and tiring at the same time to start a new program. We are not using the same program to train and there is a chance that we will not be running side by side for this half. That may sound weird to some of you but there are a couple of reasons...one being I truly believe your first try at these things are great to do to help you believe in yourself and your abilities. It makes you realize you are strong enough, you can do it...and I want Scott to understand what I love about all of it. Second, we don't want to fight lol.... Third, I am trying for a sub 2 and ....don't want to fight. Nuff' said.
2. I'm super excited by how each time I wake up and think "I'm not going to be able to do this workout...its toooo hard!", I get up , try and SUCCEED! I'm amazed at what my body is allowing me to do...(it is only week 2....we'll see how I feel at week 6-9....)
3. One thing that is difficult when both parents are training is babysitting! Scott and I usually go very early and then switch off so this isn't a problem...but on the rare occasion...I make a fort at the track for my kids and they think its the best darn thing in the whole world!
Camp Johnson at the high school track! |
4. We took a mini vacation on my winter recess. It was nice staying home with the kids and just getting some of the zillion things done that I needed to with the house. On the tail end we visited Mystic, Connecticut. It was a very cute, fun and easy trip. It would have been a bit better if it was warmer but our ferry ride there was not bad at all...it was about 60 degrees that day!
Team Johnson on the ferry ride!
OK seriously? How do you not want to bite him...
and his choice from the aquarium store!
5. I just added this because I thought it was hysterical. I took the kids with me to get a bathing suit for swim class and some running supplies....they really love us running 'women'.
That's all folks! Promise to post about the training and my upcoming races this week!!!!