Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things That make me Smile Thursday

Yes, I am still alive. 

I have just been "running" around, literally.  This past week we've been to the Long Island Children's Museum, Atlantis Marine World, the beach, the pool, and we even started shopping for school clothes and shoes.  The Johnson household is finally making progress in the right directions...its crazy how sometimes so many things can get in the way of your happiness.  What I love about life though is when you least expect it something you write, read, see can just  help you 'click' out of your fog, see things differently and make you more available to the ones you love and that love you most.  Its hard work to be in the present moment and not escape from tough shit.  It's about living in the moment.  If you do you can find yourself smiling just a little bit more, happier...even when you thought you were happy before.   Here are some pictures of us living in the moment, things that have been making me smile and belly laugh!!!

Also...please make it a point to go and support my SIL who is doing her first half marathon in the Hamptons as well. I can't wait to share this experience with her and am so proud that she is doing it!!! She started a blog to write about it and I would love if you would go give her a shout out of support!!
 The Wordy Runner

Better watch out!


Tough, Adorable and a little touch of heels lol.

That's her "What's up dude?"

LICM - music room

Granny and Gramps at the beach
Have you ever felt in a fog?  Do you spend time living in the moment? 
What makes it hardest for you to do that?


  1. Thanks Annette!!!! I could use some advice, so I appreciate the shout-out!! I'm so psyched to do the race with you, too!

    OMG, I am DYING Over the picture of the kids shopping in their Halloween outfits -- ESPECIALLY Lukey the muscle cop! LOL......

  2. I love the museum and the aquarium!! Sounds like you are having loads of fun. LOVE the pics!!!

  3. wow! such a busy week but sounds like a blast :)

  4. GREAT reasons to be MIA for a few days! Enjoy every moment you can of what's left of summer.

    I'm heading to your SIL's blog right now...


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